Not there

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, the conference goes on.  I didn’t go!

This morning both of us who were to be headed to the conference were feeling sick – fluish, cold, that type of thing.  Rather than continue to spread our germs and not feel well, we cancelled out.

So, here I am at home.  I’ll try and slow down and bit and see what comes.  At this moment my head is clear – I trust my chest will also remain clear!

Conference time

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Tomorrow two of us head to a conference on rural churches.  I’m interested to see the contrast between the more mainstream approaches to church ministry vs. the rural distinctives.

The conference is in beautiful Cypress Hills.  Maybe a bit of walking for exercise and clearing the mind.  And a resort facility that should provide an opportunity for good listening, eating and fellowship.

See you later!

To recoup!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I felt a tickle.  Not big, just enough to cough once, then again, and again.

So, although my days are busy, I laid me down to rest.  At 7:00 pm.  I thought maybe I would arise shortly and do some hospital visitation. 

Now, three hours later, my throat is a bit better.  My soul feels rested.  And I’m off to bed once again.

Sweet dreams and may your rest be as deep!

Harkening back to healing

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

From my blog on Thursday, June 21, 2007:

“To be healed is not so much about being able to “do more things” for God, but about bringing glory to God.”  I tend to think that it would be nice to get healed so I can throw myself back into all the stuff I think I should be doing.  Maybe it would be more important to see how God can use this, than to prove to others than I am a superman able to do everything!

I have been working on my own current understanding of healing.  I firmly believe that God can heal.  I’m looking forward to a healing service a number of churches will incorporate into their Good Friday service this year.

At the same time, the sentiment above has kept coming back to me over the past few years.  I wonder if I seek for healing for my own glory – to be able to do more so that people think well of me and they miss God’s miracle in it all?  I think I’m getting closer to the point of writing this sermon – although I’m not sure it will be easy!