Home again

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Just walked in the door at 8:45 this evening.  A good time of rest and refreshment, both for body and soul. 

A great speaker, Skye Jethani, from Leadership Journal.  Spoke on Moses – four talks that were based in the historic context and applicable for today.  I’ll blog a bit on that in the coming days.

Returned to people who are in hospital – that will be part of tomorrow’s activity.  For today – sign off and good night to all!!

In preparation

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The beginning of next week is a retreat time for Jill and I.  We’ll head to another land (province).  There we will meet friends, old and new.  We’ll listen to good speakers and music, sit by a fire (provided our room has a fire place), and rest.

I’ve been hard at work trying to figure out this thing called rest.  To sabbath is tough for me.  The people around me know it.  I know it.  I’m an active person – finding refreshing in doing something and not nothing.  To rest is hard. 

I’ve experienced rest in the past. 

I’ve taken time off. 

I know the benefits. 

So, I’ll work at being sure I rest. 

Such is the paradox of life!


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From Rick Warren, we receive a regular newsletter for pastors and leaders of churches.  The following is a quote from Rick’s Ministry Toolbox newsletter #411 – directly from the mouth of Rick Warren.

I’ve told my staff many times we don’t want to hire anyone who hasn’t had problems in life.  They’re usually not very effective in ministry.  I want people who have been broken because their hearts are more likely to be broken with the things that break the heart of God.  God takes us, breaks us, blesses us, and then uses us in ways we never imagined.

I agree!  The older I get, the more I agree!

Here’s another thought from the same newsletter (not often you get blasted twice in one reading!)

Growing churches focus on reaching receptive people.  Nongrowing churches focus on reenlisting inactive people.

OK, still working on that one.  But something resonates with me – if we are not going beyond our current membership or previous members, something is wrong!

An exciting day

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There are those days where I know I should be tired but what I am doing energizes me.

Today I was working on some administration for an upcoming seminar we are giving on addictions and being what God intended for each one of us.  Dr. David Eckman is the speaker.  I’ve heard him and read his books, and feel this is a worthwhile opportunity!

So, April 24-25th – if you are around  the Kindersley area drop in an join us.  I’ll try and include most of the information below – hopefully the formatting won’t go all “wonky!”

Weekend Focus

This weekend’s sessions arose out of a concern with addiction-misuse in the West Central District of Saskatchewan. An effort sponsored by DAWN (Drug and Alcohol Awareness Wellness Network) alerted many to the need for education and understanding of the problems associated with addictions. The churches of the Kindersley Evangelical Fellowship have combined efforts to bring a foremost authority in this area to address these issues – useful both to those with addictions and those dealing with the addicted.

Guest Speaker

clip_image002Dr. David Eckman received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from Houghton College, a Master of Divinity degree from San Francisco Conser-vative Baptist Seminary and a Master of Theology degree from Golden Gate Seminary. After completing six years of graduate research at Oxford University in England, David received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Golden Gate Seminary in San Francisco, California. His scholarship is combined with 30 years of experience as pastor, counselor, teacher and conference speaker.

Weekend Schedule

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dealing with Addictions

(9:30 am – 3:15 PM)

Kindersley Christian Fellowship

800-12th Avenue East, Kindersley

9:30 am Registration

10-11:00 The Addictive Cycle – Part 1

11:15-12:15 The Addictive Cycle – Part 2

12:15pm Lunch (Included in Registration)

1:00 – 2:30 The Challenge of Family Backgrounds

2:30 – 3:15 Question & Answer

$30.00 registration for session

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kindersley Evangelical Fellowship Combined Service

(11:00 am)

Kindersley Alliance Church

74 West Road, Kindersley

Dr. Eckman Speaking

Becoming What God Intended

(2:00 – 4:30 PM)

Kindersley Christian Fellowship

800-12th Avenue East, Kindersley

2:00 – 4:00 Becoming What God Intended

4:00 – 4:30 Question & Answer

Registration not required

Free will offering to cover expenses