Sermons on the Web

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Finally, I’ve started to put my sermons on the internet.  They have been recorded for the last few years – digitally for the last year or so. 

The last few weeks I’ve had requests for a sermon or two I’ve preached.   Someone asked if they could access the sermon online.  I said we had CD’s but not web access.

Which got me thinking.  Partly because of an email my brother-in-law sent (a preacher in Oregon), I popped onto the Canby Alliance Church website and saw where they had made access to my brother-in law (Tim Barton) quite easy.  That led to a phone call or two.  The computer savvy assistant pastor, Kyle, pointed me to Sermon Cloud.

So, I have my first sermon on their site.  In the next while I hope to link from our church website,, to the sermons.  But, until then, head over to and type in Kindersley Alliance.  Up will pop the sermon text and a link to streaming audio, or to a download (using icons that hopefully you will understand).  Give it a try.  Let me know what you think.

Dental health in Kindersley

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We have a new dental team headed to Kindersley.  That’s what I heard on our provincial news this morning.  The location appears to be right downtown (OK, at the beginning of Main Street – which is our downtown!).

Often times a new office opens up new opportunities.  One of the current dental studios in town is quite well attended – maybe they’ve done too good a job! 

So, soon we’ll see another office in town.  Oil industry work has picked up as well.

There is a feeling of optimism in the air.  Even the burning of a rink ends up being a new beginning!  Let’s see what goes on next!

To Town and back!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Many years ago the walk or horse back ride to town and back was an event.  Saturday night was the usual time.  A bath could precede the evening.  On the corners you stand and chat, maybe sing or watch people passing, head to a concert or dance.


Today I headed to the next town over.  Instead of a few kilometers, it’s almost one hundred.  I started in the morning and came back by 3:00.  This was business and not pleasure.  Lunch followed a subcommittee meeting.  I also tucked in short visits to my sister and my brother-in-law.

Arriving home, I did some banking, and then headed back to work before finishing the day at home for supper.

Not as romantic as the old days, but functional!  And that’s good enough for today!

Slippers at the door

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We live in a house with wooden floor.  Well, we upgrade the sound of those words and call them “hardwood.”  The look of the floor is great, cleaning is a breeze, but the temperature can be cold on bare feet.

A month or two back we mentioned this when we lunching at one of our local seniors complexes.  One lady just volunteered to create some “universal” slippers – one size fits all.  Margaret then headed out to some relatives a few provinces over and the conversation was forgotten.

Until about a month later.  A package arrived by post / courier.  In it were 10 knitted slippers.  Not the few we had considered sufficient – but twelve!  So we made them available to visitors.  Then about a month later another package arrived with another 10 slippers.

20 in all!

What a blessing!  Today we had some visitors over.  Two of them immediately accepted the slippers to use. 

So, if you’re coming by our place, feel free to ask for a pair of slippers to use.  We wash and sanitize each pair of slippers after use.  They come in various colors which will brighten your day as you walk our floors.  And they will be a great accessory for your visit!!