Worship after the fire

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Sometimes grieving and hope mix.  Our community is in such a state. 

A historic arena burned to the ground (see previous posts).  In the midst of grieving the loss of a meeting place, we also are looking forward to a replacement, hopefully in the near future.

On Wednesday a non-denominational service, sponsored by our ministerial, will take place. 

Due to a previous commitment, I will not be able to be there. So, I joined with the planning group today.  We talked of songs and scripture of encouragement, of thankfulness for protection, and of how a gathering for the community will be a good thing.

If you are available, 7:00 pm at the St. Paul’s United Church here in Kindersley!

New Marc Cooper Music CD arrives

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Marc Cooper, my wife’s brother, is an innovative musician.  Jill’s claim to fame in his career is that she taught him his first guitar chords.  Since then – well her contribution would be an ice cube in the iceberg that has emerged.

Marc’s music is amazing!  He can do almost any style, and knows what makes up that style (he’s a creator more than just a copycat!).  The CD he sent us was recorded during the time when his wife was in the midst of a debilitating illness.   As he wrote to us – “I hope you enjoy it – it was recorded during her illness and became essential in soaking/intercession music for her and her class on intercession.”  

The title of the Album is “Receiving and Transmitting”.  The seasons of sound go from Soaring and Resting, to Dream and Journey, to Open Sky and Embracing, all bookmarked by the tracks on Receiving and Transmitting .  This is Marc’s contribution to the Christian prayer that emerged during his wife’s illness.

The CD is  instrumental – all written and performed, engineered and produced, by Marc (the marvels of digital equipment for guitars now-a-days).  This is not a “home recording”.  Professional to the “nth” degree. 

This is not for everyone.  Here is a description of the music:

Organic ethno-fusion of acoustic/electric guitar for listeners that love to meditate, dream, have visions, and experience healing through music. Be prepared to be taken on many journeys to far away places.

Here is the website where you can order the CD  or listen to a preview www.cdbaby.com/cd/MarcCooper

Kindersley kicks off 100 years

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Today, at a 4:00 meeting, our town kicked off it’s 100th birthday.  My grandfather was a part of the original town originations.  He would have like it named after himself, but Lord Kindersley was probably quite pleased to have his namesake on the town.

Now, 100 years later we are ready to build a new outlook based on the legacy of the past 100 years.  Part of experiencing the energy of this town is an effort to provide a facility of excellence for the community.  If you are interested in donating towards a centre for arts, cutlure and sports you can email year100@sasktel.net.  Mention my name – they may not know who I am, but they won’t mind your money!!

Consequences of a fire

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What a hoot! 

Today we headed to a local store.  There, posted on the door, was a paper stating that the Town of Kindersley was under a “boil water” order.

Due to the extreme amount of water used in combating the fire of our local arena, the pumps from the river (where our water is pumped from) were open full throttle.  That meant that water flowed through our filtration system faster than the filters could work (perhaps).  So, water samples are headed to the lab and until we have a clean bill of health, we are boiling our water for at least five minutes.

Enjoy water from the tap, if you are in a location where your water has that clean bill of health!!