Calvin Baker – 1918 – 2009

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Yesterday, December 29th, would have been my father’s 91st birthday.  As I pondered throughout the day one theme hit me – “What happens when an umbrella is taken away but the rain continues?”

Subconsciously I have lived with a covering over me.  My father was always available for comment, encouragement or companionship whenever I needed him.  As his years waned and mine increased, that input was not often needed.  We both had our own paths. 

But every once in a while I would turn to dad for a word or two.  Dad was also a faithful reader of this blog.  Between us we kept track of each other.

His death in September of this year has pushed me to a transition.  Seasons of life bring new challenges.  Often the challenges are similar in fashion to other ages.

As I completed my teens I sought to disengage and to become an “adult”.  In my early parenting years the desire was to raise our children “our way”.  As career aspirations continued into the years of productivity I could see my own “vision” emerging.  Each of these meant less direct input from my father.  But there still was the recognition that he was available when days got rough or wisdom was needed.

Now, with his direct influence gone, the rain still falls.  Over the years, I’ve been raising my own umbrella — with dad’s encouragement. 

And, in a fashion reminiscent of my father, I’m trusting that my umbrella is also providing shelter.

I’m really not here!

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Jill and I have been holiday-ing right here in our home.  Works great if you don’t step outside!

But we did. 

We headed to the store today and met one of our friends.  They reminded us that we are on holidays and hadn’t expected to see us here in town.

Our best reply?  “You really don’t see us!”

Which meant we at least talked a bit, met some other friends, updated life and generally did all the things of regular life in small town Saskatchewan.  Meanwhile, I feel no need to rush off to the church office, to visit a long list of people, or to spend copious amounts of time doing strategic planning.  Basically a good game of Scrabble, a 5o piece puzzle, friends for supper and fun work well for me.

And so, right now I’m sitting writing a short note on my blog, content to let the world go by, and looking forward to turkey supper (as if for the very first time!!).

On thinking things through

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A wireless print server installation was the task of the day!

First, I read the instructions.  I plugged and played with the setup and couldn’t get past part two of the easy installation guide.

So, I used the support phone number.  The technician was quite knowledgeable but their English was difficult to understand.  After 10 or 15 minutes I finally figured out that I needed to plug in to the router and not my computer.

After that, things went well on one machine.  The other one is still to be processed.

My instruction point for the day?  Never believe that things only take “a minute”.  Plan for a day and live for the minute!!

Sighted this day!!

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A free “newspaper” struck my eye today.  In the 1970’s a number of churches produced free newspapers outlining the good news of Jesus Christ and then explaining local church activities.  Now it appears that business is imitating religion. 

good news gazette sasktel dec 2009

serving the kingdom Sasktel dec 2009From the newspaper produced by the provincial telephone provider, Sasktel .



I know people who smoke pot Dec 2009As I crossed the street to our post office the following was posted on a lampstand.  No surprise here for those of us who are watching the Drug and Alcohol scene here in Kindersley!  Who is 420 Avenger?