Communication, cooperation and consideration

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

As our local general Christian ministerial meets this Friday we will be considering the level of cooperation we will have.  For the past year there has been a fade in terms of meeting and attempting activities together.  Smaller groups within the ministerial have been meeting, but as a whole we seem fractured.

This trend is evident across the globe.  Where there has been an attempt by Christian denominations to come together around like causes and a sense of brotherhood (oops, that’s a word that isn’t inclusive enough!), now there is a return to the realization that doctrine and practice are equally important.

Issues such as abortion and homosexuality are just the tip of the iceberg.  Many push back to an understanding of the Bible as primary for belief and practice.  We even hear the same words, like God and Jesus, being defined in completely opposite ways.

Is there a place for cooperation?  For us here, we will need to communicate with each other and decide what are terms of consideration are. 

So Friday, a local seniors residence will provide the general ministerial with a breakfast meal, we’ll hear how we can contribute to the lives of the tenants of the residence, and then the ministerial will sit down and talk.  Amongst themselves, about themselves, for the sake of themselves!  Let’s pray for clear words, open hearts and God given direction!!

Budget work

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Tonight is the first go at it!  Our year end is December, our annual meeting is in February.  The budget is approved at that point.

So, the need is to be realistic in budgeting and courageous in vision.  That’s easier said than done.  There is the vicious circle that says e need resources to fulfil the plans.  But we need to see the plans to release the resources.  Somewhere in between you realize that budgeting is an exercise in faith.

May our faith be great!!

Oh what fun!

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There is a time that just reeks of fun for me.  OK, maybe a few times.  But right now, I’m coming off on of those time.

We have started a quartet to sing at Christmas.  This was our second practice. 

When you do what comes naturally, and with little effort – that’s fun.  I’m singing the high tenor and letting my voice float.  So far I’ve still got my voice (I’m really a baritone / bass so those high notes are a bit of a stretch).

When do we sing?  At our local carol Festival on the evening of December 6th at St. Paul’s United church.  If that’s not available, try Sunday morning, December 13th, our Christmas program at 10:3o am.  You are invited!!

Cycle of life

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

As things go, things go!

From the days of youth I have always been a morning type of guy.  This past year has proved differently.  With various symptoms and ailments my mornings have been less than sterling.  My evenings became the spike of activity time – although that is relative. 

This last week I have felt much better and the mornings have returned.  By 7:30 this morning I was out of the house and off to work. 

The interesting things is how perspective changes.  Previously I would have expected that I could just keep going.  Now, doubt is next door to activity. I’m much more guarded in expending energy.

And I’m starting to live by the adage my 70 year old friend confirmed to me this week. 

“Whatever does not get done today will still be there tomorrow!”