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  • Reading time:1 mins read

As I began work this morning, I knew it was a day for endings and for beginnings.

Our church secretary has been able to move to a more secure position in her second job.  So, today she completed her 2 1/2 years with us.  She has be faithful and completed the work she was asked to do.  Almost sounds like a commendation from the Bible!! 

And so, we had pumpkin pie and beverages.  A present that Jill and I had picked for her.  And as the hours completed the last day, we said good-bye.  To the job but not to each other.

The rest of the day was one of preparing for another day.  Monday will see a new face at the desk – for an interim time period.  As we reconfigure the job I trust for God’s guidance and others graciousness.  And my this lead to a new valley of opportunity!

Thanks, Tracy, for all your help!!

Into the night

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Tomorrow we visit the estate home in Lafleche, Saskatchewan.

Tonight is preparation.  Clothes, tools and electrical cords.  All need to be in hand for the work of the next day or so.  I look forward to this as a time of relaxation – as well as work on the estate.  In all a holy vacation – a holiday where we vacate our house to head to another house.

Remembrance Day

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

This week I’ll have a dual Remembrance day.  Besides the time to remember those fallen and currently in war zones on my behalf, I’ll be staying in my recently deceased father’s house in Lafleche, Saskatchewan.

One of our parishioners was used for a poster in the Second World War.  At 91 he is not the robust man of years gone by.  But for many, his and others’ lives are on view for us.  Our freedom of movement, expression, and dare we even say, religion, was defended by them.

My father was a conscientious objector in the Second World War.  This past year, at 90, he died.  For many like him, he sought to find a new way to peace.  This was brought into his approach in family life, work and church.  He walked the second mile for many, and gave more of himself than anyone who demanded a pound of flesh from him.

Both these men are on the peace continuum.  I trust, should I be faced with a decision to participate in a war, that I, too, would trust myself to God and seek His direction that peace may be found on this earth.

Nothing to write?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

As the day ends I’m almost at the end.  Time to wind down and turn in.

Beginning work at 8:30, with fits and starts throughout the day, 10 hours of work related activities have gone by.  From administration to small group meeting to youth group activity to sermon preparation.  Oh, and of course there are the talking-with-people times as well!! 

All in all a good day!