The joys of computer conversion

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This is not about spiritual conversion.  That seems like a simple matter. 

When it comes to the various formats of computer files, the list seems endless.  I have just downloaded an mp4 movie – high resolution and ready for use in church to promote a prayer day.

My usual DVD authoring software can’t seem to digest the format.  So off to the ubiquitous GOOGLE.  There I’ve found a few freeware programs.  I expect in the next few hours to have figured out a way to place this on DVD.

In a perfect world we would just turn on the TV, click a button and out would project the video of the day.  In an imperfect world, we just keep searching for that one product and end up with a smattering of programs stretched across our desktop.

I guess it could be worse.  I remember programming in FORTRAN IV with punch cards!!

Stress and stomachs

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I guess my medical tests shows that stress is the main contributor to my stomach problems.  Work on exercise, watch what you absorb personally, and bring the stress level down. 

So, I’ve got my work cut out for me.  Not that I didn’t expect this – its just that you hope there is another explanation – like cancer or something simple like that!!  This requires patience and perseverance and proper evaluation of my own life stressors.  And admitting that I can’t do everything.  And just maybe, letting God have more of the burden – which is where I probably should have started in the first place!!

The retro look

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Halloween has just passed! 

On Friday we were in a second hand store that was selling Halloween costumes.  A group of kids were looking for costumes, the type of thing that I wore back when I was their age.  These “costumes” appeared to be all the rage for Halloween for these university students.

So . . . here is a picture of me taken in 1974 (35 years ago).  Some of you will have to guess which one is me (I actually had hair).  Wouldn’t you want to wear a leisure suit like that?!!

Sound Alliance 1974

Extended Sunday

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The last few decades saw churches close out their Sunday evening meetings.  For various reasons, the Sunday evening is being revived.  Not in the same pattern, but with groups and activities that just close off the weekend.

We’ve seen this with sessions we are holding called the Truth Project.  Somewhere around a third to half of our congregation are participating. 

In many ways this arises in response to weekend activity patterns.  Most people are able to be out of town, or at a meeting, or scheduled in some way during Saturday and Sunday.  The evening of Sunday most people are back home, and available for a closing activity.  One that is encouraging, that prompts community and leaves you ready to attack a new week.

That’s my hope for these next few weeks.  So far, so good!!