While the internet may promise one of the most open societies ever, restrictions and censorship will constantly arise.
If all were good, then we would only use the language and the power of our connectedness for the benefit of others. But each country finds that it must regulate the binary data that passes back and forth — child pornography, viruses, worms and trojan horses to name a few of the attacks upon people.
Now, we are also finding that sports teams are restricting access to the reach of the internet. NBA, NFL and possibly the NHL will restrict the use of Twitter. The instant messaging of this social network means that a competitive edge can be destroyed. A fan watching a practice can literally inform another team of the “secret play” that is being developed. Players watching from the sidelines can mention this to a friend. Fiends can intercept these messages. Or they can deceive others into thinking their messages are helpful.
Whatever is true, right and pure can be twisted.
So, is the answer greater defenses? More restrictions? As a realist, I know that God himself gave ten commandments – restrictions! As an idealist, I desire for the day that God’s kingdom would come here on earth as it is in heaven. Perhaps the answer lies in the balance. Live to protect others while at the same time seeking to present Jesus as the heart changer so that what is true, right and pure will be their desire.