Six O’clock Walk
A friend of ours – his father passed away at 6:00 tonight. We visited with him and his family shortly thereafter.
It’s just a block’s walk. The death had been expected for a few days. The illness had been seen for a few years. The end of a life-time. I prayed and we exited to leave the family to themselves. For a few hours. Then the preparations will become a part of their hours. Until a funeral takes place. The closure will be final – only one life to live!
May God grant grace and strength.
As we walked home we met another friend along with his mother. His life is also in turmoil. We chatted and I’ve got a call to call him in the next day or so. We’ll talk and see where God is heading him.
This afternoon I talked to a “twice-dead” man. He is a miracle walking! A few weeks ago a casket looked imminent. Only God – that’s what he says!
This morning was filled with children – a vacation Bible school program. There’s is a life-time yet to be fulfilled. May God give to them a life of love, joy and peace.
May you see life in it’s many facets and faces and see God in it all!