New clothes

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Summer holidays has pushed my wife and I to clothe ourselves in new and fashionable ways.  OK, so we will be in a remote and isolated area.  We’ll venture only as far as a canoe or a quick ride to the dump will take us.  And we’ll probably see more bears than people.

But we’ll see each other.  More than usual.  And maybe it is time to update those decades old shorts and swimsuits.

So, off to the consignment store first.  There Tommy Hilfiger clothing are on for cut rates.   And they fit and have already been washed to minimize shrinkage.  Jill gets some capri pants and I fall into some shorts.

Salvation Army thrift store is next.  Again, the costs are low and the benefits high.  A pair of swim trunks and blue jeans.

Finally off to that high priced place called Walmart.  One purchase there is about equivalent to our two previous store receipts.  Nevertheless, we find suitable outerwear and come home happy.

Now, that’s what I call a good day of shopping!!

Selfish request

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On Monday I wanted to play ball.  Phoned up a ball player and asked when would be a good day to get together.  Thursday at 7:00 was the answer.  Called a bunch of people.  13 showed up to play.  And others to watch.

What fun!!

Ball game july 16, 2009

Feverish flourishes

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I’m surrounded by hard workers!

As the day began, three teens joined my wife.  They are painting up a storm of decorations for Vacation Bible School. 

I love hard work – when someone else is doing it!

painting for VBS 2009

What impresses others

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A resume is a place to put your best fot forward.  In it you give your history in such away that a potential employer finds you irrestible to hire.  One big reason not to be hired is spelling misteaks.   So goes the latest research.

Some of the greatest gaffs in resume writing!

“Dear Sir or Madman”, “I’m attacking my resume for you to review”, “Following is a grief overview of my skills” and “Have a keen eye for derail.”