Last night was a bike scavenger hunt with our youth. Great time!
Before leaving and joining in on the hunt, I pumped up the front tire of my bicycle. A month or so ago I noted that it had a slow leak. The pressure was down somewhat, but an influx of new air pumped it right back up.
As we went throughout the hunt I watched the tire carefully. No problem!
Approaching the final stretch something felt out of sorts. The front tire continued in good shape. Things were right there.
But not so on the strong back tire! The tire I had chosen not to watch. Perhaps we hit some shards of glass, or maybe something punctured through the outer tire and got to the inner tube.
I suppose the actual cause didn’t really matter. I know enough of the caused for flat tires and I thought I had avoided them. And next time out I will carry the same list in my head and try to miss the hazards.
But last night I was left carrying my bicycle back. Instead of carrying me into a journey of enjoyment, I was left thinking about what I needed to do to fix this tire. I’m looking forward to fixing the back tire and getting back on the road.
This is a story of both a bicycle and a church. In watching over a front tire, it seems a back tire has been flattened. Where we go next is the next thing!
May God give direction and wisdom!