New Members join

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May 24, 2009 we received three new members into the Kindersley Alliance church.  Rachel and Curtis Kornelson and Janelle Schellenberg are pictured below.  The white haired ones are our elders and the baby . . . just an added benefit!!  Congratulations!

new members May 24, 2009

Home again!

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My wife is back!

She enjoyed the few days away at the grandkids (and their parents as well!).  The time was busy helping with an active 3 year old and a new born. Washing was done, meals made and dishes washed.  The fun is in being together.  That certainly was enjoyable.

I’m glad to have Jill back.  Now, on to the mundane!!

Alli and kids May 2009

Garage Sales

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Somehow this year has not been kind to garage sales.

Just last week it seemed we were destined for winter all over again.  Snow on the grass and chill in the air.  Then a dust storm that blew an empty semi trailer truck over.  Finally, gray skies but no visible signs of downpours of rain.

We almost despaired of summer. 

But today!

Yes, today we saw the garage sale signs begin to appear and the sun shine it’s smile upon us.  Across the street from our church children’s toys and clothes appeared alongside a Whirlpool washing machine.   A card table held the change box.  With no whisper of a breeze I wandered over to see what there was to see.  Lots to see but nothing I wanted to buy.

The bank account remains intact, the sun is shining and life is good!!

Museum Visit

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A while back I was given some brochures and letters to drop off at the local museum.  Time passes much to quickly, and today, being my day off in lieu of the “statuatory holiday” this week, I finally got around to it.

The local museum keepers were glad to see me.  Not so much for the materials I was bringing!  There was a project they wanted my help on. 

So, for most of the day I have been transferring over local histories done on cassette tapes to digital format / CD’s.  I’ve basically set the recorder in motion and gone on to other things.  Meanwhile, six of the sessions are now complete (anywhere up to an hour each).  That still leaves at least nine to go!

Thankfully this is a project that doesn’t need to be done tomorrow.  And wait it will have t0.  I’ve got a floor hockey game tonight!!