The Trinity
For the past few years I have been on a quiet, patient search for a fuller understanding of the Trinity, which is the unique feature of the Christian faith. The other two Abrahamic faiths (Judaism and Islam) both deny one or another aspect of the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – three in one – all God!
This has been furthered by the writing of the book, The Shack, by Paul Williams. Paul was a classmate of mine in my undergraduate years. Then I’ve been spending time working through David Eckman’s books – he strongly looks at the Trinity for counselling and dealing with such things as addictions.
Today I grabbed a few articles and did some further thinking. I would have to say that I’m seeing what I’ve always seen, but getting a better picture. And I’m becoming more convinced that this is a crucial part of the puzzle of living the way God intended us to live. A Father who loves us, a Son who died for the forgiveness of our sins and the Holy Spirit who helps us to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus. Put into a full picture, that’s a life without guilt, lived in freedom before God and able to serve others with joy.
Not a bad place to start!