For all you Rockers

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And by that I don’t necessarily mean those who sit at home and rock back and forth in a comfortable chair!

I was reading the PC Magazine and came across a listing of top unknown websites.  Great fun!

On of those was a site of live concerts.  Mostly rock concerts from past years.  For live recordings, they are not bad!

You can hear some of those concerts that you missed when you were growing up (either you were not yet born, or you were but couldn’t afford to attend).  Everything from Alabama to Crosby, Still, Nash and Young.  Check it out — click here.

Bob Willoughby

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A few days ago Bob Willoughby died (don’t have the exact date).

My recollections are of the Willoughby’s in Moose Jaw.  This was in my first decade of life, as I remember it.  Funny how you remember going across a gravelled school yard to end up at their house.  They had kids our age (we had a family of six at that time so the age spread was quite wide!).

Bob was the pastor of our local church.  Later he served as a professor at a school I attended.  His scholarly abilities were apparent.  But I suppose what really impressed me was his pastoral heart which was more than sufficient to take in the deep concerns of his parishioners. 

Bob’s stature may not have been that of an NBA player, but in my books he could rung rings around them and stood miles above them.

Anniversary and birthday greetings

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Our grandson, a healthy and active toddler, is three years old today.  I think he has finally figured out the “two years old” answer to “How old are you?”, but may not be ready to move on to the three year old stage.

Christopher 2008

My parent’s hit their 57th anniversary yesterday.  Mere days ago they were starting their 25th as we began our married life.  And in 1951 the future was bright as Dad stepped out of the harvest fields to marry the love of his life, Mary Gladys Virginia Merritt.  The love of his life is still his companion — and through the changes of life they hang in together!  What a great heritage and example!

mom and dad 2008

Back up

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Well, this is the look back in place.  There were a few minor changes my host server had to change.  The email he sent to me is very explanatory but the basics come down to a few clicks of buttons and knowing which buttons they should be.

So, I’ll get back to journalling life around here.  Just to let you know, we spent the latter part of Sunday and most of Monday in Saskatoon on time off.  Came back to view a very interesting movie sponsored by our local arts council.  The name of the movie?  “The Visitor”.  Certainly showed  the conundrum of the immigration system — and because we are dealing with an immigration situation in our congregation this was particularly applicable.

God bless in your day today!!