Yes, there are work-arounds

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

OK, so yesterday I wasn’t going to tell you if I found a way to export my video in the format I wanted.  Well, I found out one of the software programs I picked up a few years ago did the job just fine.

Then, the question was how to set up titles on a DVD.  I looked inside a movie making program.  No there.  Logically the next step was to check the internet.  As it happened, after a little searching I found out that I was barking up the wrong software tree.  Once that was figured out, the rest was fairly easy.

So, now I have a set of movies and slideshows ready to be send to DVD.  The only question I have is how well my computer will perform — this is not an easy task.  Tomorrow morning will tell!

That one step further from frustration

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve got a number of computer programs that do amazing things.  The problem is that the one extra thing means buying a bit more software. 

Right now I’m working on a video from which I want to extract the audio.  I can add other video and make a movie.  Still has the sound.  I can save it without the sound, if I buy an upgrade.  I don’t want to!

So, the question becomes — how much do I want to make this work.

Well, I guess time will tell.  In other words, I’m just stubborn enough to see if there isn’t a shortcut in one of my programs.  One that isn’t mentioned in the manual but should logically work — all other things being equal.

I call this tenacity.  Others call it stupidity — a waste of time.  But the next time (if this works), I’ll know what to do.

I have a feeling this is a trait of a good gamer.  And I suppose, if I had the desire, I could enjoy video gaming.   But right now my dexterity is less than superb and other things are commanding my attention.

Off to the computer and a few more possible software possibilities.  Never know what I might come up with. 

I’d tell you that I’d get back to you on this — but since failure is probable (given what I have read in the manuals and help screens), I won’t bother!!!

What you can do with a coroplast sign

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Amazing things you find on itunes!  I was looking over the podcasts of Mars Hill Church – Rob Bell is pastor.  Here tucked in the his sermon / powerpoint notes was a YOUTUBE video that is just fun to watch.  Check it out here.

Journal of a 3:00 a.m. thinker

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

As some of you will know, I’m regularly up 3:00 am in the morning.  I read the Bible and other books, journal and pray.  This morning, as I headed back to bed my mind was full.

Monday is going to be my day off.  How can I separate myself for a day (make the day “holy”)?  I live church work and ministry — I could almost say I breathe it.  That is a calling I think God has given me for this season of my life.  The longer I’m in a local church, the more I know of the layer behind the layer behind the layer we call the “faces we put on in the morning.”  For that reason there is deep joy and deep sadness that indwells my bones and marrow.

This is the reason a separate day, a day of rest, is virtually impossible for most pastors.  Until . . .

I struggle with God being in control.  I struggle with the idea that my input is not the most valuable indicator that a situation will change.  I struggle with going to the dark side of ministry and finding out that God had already been shining his light there — without asking me!!

So, for one day, can I just let God run the world?