A good time had by all

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Well, the potluck topped off the day.

We began with an 11:00 start.  There were greetings, and singing and a talk on the basis for our church.  There was laughter, and brass instruments and an amazing piano solo.

Then the potluck.  More food that stretched over 5 -6 meters of table.  Everything from casseroles to beef. 

And the talking!!  We had pictures of 70 years of church ministry that people didn’t even get to see because they were chatting.

That’s a good sign.  And in the end, we were encouraged by heritage and excited about what God is going to continue to do.

No place I would rather be!

70th begins

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2:30 arrived this afternoon and the festivities began.  The afternoon session was around 86, the evening supper around 120 and more joined us for the evening meeting.  Fun, food and fellowship!

More details tomorrow.   Right now I’d better hit the sack!

Musing on the way to work

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I was listening to a radio interview today on CBC .  The interviewer was praising a couple for the stand they took on requiring a housing organization (Pentecostal based) to accept them even though they weren’t married.  Their age was probably beyond my own.  The interviewer took the tack that this action  on the part of the Pentecostals was unconscionable.

On the same day another case of spanking children was considered to be completely heathen (OK, not quite that term, but the idea was there). 

With both of these the sense was one of condemnation.  Of cultural suicide.

If we think we are a tolerant society, think again!

Excitement gathers

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I started early this morning.

Displays of our 70 years as a church were first order of business.  Then completing such things as bulletins and a music practice.  Finally the day ended with labeling photos and placing them in albums.

For me, this has been refreshing.  Things are looking good.  And people, who have arrived unexpectedly, have perused the displays and stood examining pictures and events.

It’s all good.  And so tomorrow will seek a bit of tweaking and then Saturday at 2:30 begins the festivities!!  See you then, if  you can make it.