I suppose!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I suppose money doesn’t grow on trees.

I suppose economic clout is lessened when credit increases.

I suppose elephants are uneconomical.

You see, their ears are way bigger than would normally be expected.  And the tail is just a swish on their body — I would have expected at least a broom.  And their legs are trees that could have instead been been sculpted pillars.

Where God talks of finances and keeping clear of debt, we would be wise to follow through. 

And where animals are created to grace the earth, maybe we need to be a little more thankful for the elephants of the world.  Now, I know some consider elephants gawky and awkward.   I like elephants — I love their beauty.  Maybe I’m on God’s side on this one.

Oh, and ask my kids what my favorite animal is!  The elephant!!

Thus, the rant — and this has nothing to do with the free association of donkeys and elephants that arise from the south. 

So now, I’ve touched on world recession, US politics, and beauty —  I suppose!!

70th Anniversary

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

In 1938 two young men appeared in the Kindersley area.  They were there to convert a whole town to Jesus in one year.  Didn’t quite happen, but that is still the deep down, soul stirring, gut wrenching conviction of the Kindersley Alliance church.

Today I have been preparing for our 70th Anniversary this weekend.  You are invited to join us on Saturday at 2:30 or 7:00, and on Sunday at 11:00. 

One of the things I did today was get some audio clips of speakers from previous years. 

One is the story of our first pastor who fell off the wood shed out back.  A nail caught on his pants on the way down and ripped them from top to bottom.  As he explains it, “I got a shovel out and put it behind me and walked all the way home.” 

Someone is always starting a new fad!!

Tobacco use

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Sitting in a meeting about drugs and addictions, the chair remarked on some recent statistics she had received.   In the past our health district had one of the lowest tobacco uses in the province.  The Statistics Canada report for 2007 showed that we were now one of the highest — supposedly 30% of our health district use tobacco.

My mind immediately raced to those who smoke.  I think there has been a decrease.  But perhaps the increase in transient or short-term workers has brought an increase?

The rest of the group sat for a moment.  Then various comments began to arise.  For those who desire to remain politically correct when they are with the non-smoking group they will chew tobacco.  In sports and other activities chewing tobacco is considered acceptable, if not desirable and seemingly on the rise.  None of these activities decrease the harm of the tobacco, they merely mask the use.

When you put that all together, perhaps we have increased.  Perhaps the signs of tobacco use just aren’t quite as obvious.


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

No, this is not about a big city!  Nor is it about some type of political approach (as in getting a constituency together for a meeting).

This is about the evangelical youth groups of our town meeting together.  The tradition has gone on for a number of years. 

This year has seen a real changeover in leadership.  So the executive met last night to do some planning.  Looks like the first Citywide meeting will be a service opportunity on Halloween — to go out and collect food for the foodbank here in town.  Not a bad way to start out a new year.