I suppose!
I suppose money doesn’t grow on trees.
I suppose economic clout is lessened when credit increases.
I suppose elephants are uneconomical.
You see, their ears are way bigger than would normally be expected. And the tail is just a swish on their body — I would have expected at least a broom. And their legs are trees that could have instead been been sculpted pillars.
Where God talks of finances and keeping clear of debt, we would be wise to follow through.
And where animals are created to grace the earth, maybe we need to be a little more thankful for the elephants of the world. Now, I know some consider elephants gawky and awkward. I like elephants — I love their beauty. Maybe I’m on God’s side on this one.
Oh, and ask my kids what my favorite animal is! The elephant!!
Thus, the rant — and this has nothing to do with the free association of donkeys and elephants that arise from the south.
So now, I’ve touched on world recession, US politics, and beauty — I suppose!!