Blessings to go!
I served as an expert today. Well, not quite. But close nigh unto (an old saying from my childhood resurrected to explain that I wasn’t quite as much an expert as others think I am).
I was asked to assist in preparing a blessing for a 60th wedding anniversary. The content was fairly well laid out by the one who would be doing the blessing. All I had to do was pull it together, add a few more thoughts, and edit the overall final speech.
That was fun. Not just the writing and editing which I enjoy. But the story of the couple, their longevity, and the desire to indeed call God’s blessing down up them. If and when I reach that milestone, I trust I too will have someone who wants to bless me and call for God’s best upon my (our) live(s). That will be a sure sign that God has been at work, for more years than I will probably remember!
So, to Stan and Florence, may God’s best be your best at this time in your life!!