Perspective – Ottawa vs. Small Town Saskatchewan
Take a close look at the sign below! Not the phone number, or the implied idea that these are 5 star condos. Take a look at how tall the sign is.
In our neck of the woods, a four storey building is tall. We currently have a seniors complex being built that will rival the town structures for tallest and largest building. It’s four floors high!
Now, count the floors between the sign bottom and top. I count around six to seven floors. In other words, I could take this sign, string it up and still see it flying above the town no matter where I placed it.
Imagine using the cloth/canvas for a tent. Enough for a small army? Or maybe as a fence around the back 40! Tipped on it’s side I’d guess it would be a storey or two high!
Now look again at the picture. In reality it just seems like a small advertisement on the side of an Ottawa building – a way to get tenants. Nothing unusual unless you live in small town Saskatchewan.