Caleb Construction Site

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Take a look at the view out our back window (OK, it’s the Kindersley Alliance Church back window view)!  The seniors housing is coming along well, despite a wind last Thursday that threatened to dismantle the whole building.  Today 28 of us sat down to eat lunch together with more than half of those being the construction crew.  They are great guys (and one gal)!

Caleb manor June 17, 2008

Caleb construction crew lunch June 17, 2008

From problem to crisis

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

That’s what I heard today.  About our drug and alcohol abuse  in Kindersley.  A year ago things were bad, now they are worse.

I sat with our RCMP detachment commander as he talked about the current situation.  I sat with regional personnel from health, schools, clergy, education, social services and other areas.  They echoed the same concerns.  A network is being formed and hopefully a strategy will soon be implemented.

The consequence of not addressing this could be disastrous.  Well, I guess it already is! 

My question always is:  "What is at the root?"  We can work to fix behavior but will that transform a person?  Probably not.  There needs to be a total heart renovation before the problem can truly be addressed.  And the only lasting change will come with a new version of what life implanted in those who try to find fulfilment in drugs and alcohol.

Which then brings forward the question of God!  God truly wants us to find out what we have been created for -  which includes life beyond this one, but within this life the realization that true life is only found in knowing God through Jesus Christ.

That doesn’t mean we don’t work at harm reduction along the way, just that there has to be something more than just reducing harm, but rather brining positive change.

The line between rain and shine

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Thoughts on riding the road:

Today, I entered into the rain and came out of the rain.  In between, I sat in an auditorium that was unheated, and ate in a kitchen area warmed by ovens and people. 

This was the 75th anniversary of our local camp, Luseland Bible Camp.  30 years ago I directed a camp here.  Now, I sit as a pastor of one of the sponsoring churches.  In the beginning this was a family camp, missions conference, revival meetings camp.  People literally brought their graineries in to serve as cabins while camp was on.  I imagine they dragged them home afterwards and stored their crop in them until the next camp session.  Now the camp serves children and youth, and will branch out for a seniors weekend this summer.

More than once I have seen the rain roll into the camp grounds.  The roads are still unpaved and my white car was shaded brown by the time I arrived home.   A quick car wash was in order!

As I drove home I could see the demarcation where rain abated and sunshine flowed.  As I came closer my eyes had to adjust.  When you live in rain, everything is one color.  In the brightness of sunshine the colors are myriad.  Just a quick reminder that light exposes beauty while the mushiness of  gray obliterates the highlights.  Give me the light any day!!

My control

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I guess I’ve had it with rain.  We’ve had at least a week’s worth — and on the prairies that is unusual.  And somehow, all I can do is look at the weather channel and guess what will happen next.

Perhaps this type of weather is the best predictor of what I should think of God.  I can’t control God!  In a word from previous generations — God is sovereign.

So, for all the weather maps I can make, I don’t decide the content, I only sketch the happenings!!