You know you are known

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

You know you are known when you can rhyme off connections with those in front of you.

I was leading a hymn sing at our local senior’s home yesterday, and mentioned that my mother had turned 87 a few weeks ago.

There in front of me was a friend of hers from the early 1950’s, who had worked with her at the hospital.  To one side was another friend whose son was there with her. 

As I continued throughout the room, there was a lady whom I had met over 40 years ago, whose husband’s and son’s funerals I had officiated.  My pianist has been someone I have know for over 40 years. 

Each time I mentioned a name, the activities director shook her head.  Somehow I had just taken these things for granted – she hadn’t known!

You know you are known . . .

The cabinet thing

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m in the midst of rebuilding some cabinets for the library in our house.

Saying library doesn’t really explain the area!

Our library is the size of a small bedroom, to be used as a study, reading area and work surface.  The cabinets are salvaged from ReStore. 

Unfortunately in the move, the inevitable happened when working with article board.  The staples failed, the corners fell apart and the generally the whole thing needed rebuilt.

Taking apart the structure was no problem.  Then came the measuring to be sure the foundation of the project would remain the same.  I exchanged our as much of the particle board trusses for wood as was feasible.  I added some more backing and front image pieces.  In the end – the product will not be bad!

And now for the bad news.  No pictures today – a final day is approaching when all will be revealed!

The drag races were fun!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I like to try new things.  That doesn’t mean that change is easy!

So, off to a dirt drag and power pulling day at the races.  I invited my daughter and her family.



Read about the day in my article for our local social media – Kindersley Social.

The Internet is a dark place

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I was an early adopter of the internet – back when it wasn’t even called the internet.  Staying abreast of all that is happening . . . that’s another question.  I am not a Luddite (check that out on Google).  I am also not a naive fan.

As with any new technology, there is the good and the bad.

Most often we want to hear the bad first.

Like, being charged three times on a credit card for what should have been one transaction.  For all the fixes that you can get from customer service and other service providers, the hacker is more than likely still loose.

Or, the blog posting software is being hacked across a number of platforms – yours is potentially one.  So, a fix for the many interrupts the programming you had in place.  Now you have to reprogram – after a bit of frustration trying to figure out the problem.

Or, the foreign gift offerings of millions of dollars if you will only give them access to your bank account.

Or, searching for an item on-line, and finding when you turn to your facebook account, an advertizement appears which would fulfil your previous search.

The good news?

While I struggle to discern when fake news arises, I now use Google to solve many immediate problems, or YouTube to give me directions.  I can quickly contact someone.  I can even send pictures of a recent event to interested parties.

What God has created, we get to manage and have dominion over.