Great Weekend

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My sister was in town – with her husband.

From Oregon.

Saturday night we joined with the “crazy aunties”, another sister and a cousin for an uproarious time.  The talking filled all the space in the room for all the time we had together. 

Then Sunday we had three sets of pastors, their spouses and some of their families for dinner.  We talked about knowing yourself, church and God.  As though they were not work related but rather life related!

And that was the weekend that was.

I’d do it over again in a heartbeat. 

And yes, that type of weekend does make my heart beat!

Things I do for love!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m working on two sermons right now. 

Being retired, I get to do many things which I love – or am coming to love!

Such diverse things as renovations, cooking meals, washing clothes, organizing things (OK, that’s been just plain fun since I was in grade school), and write.  My sermons are just my way of writing what I’m thinking – except organized!

The first sermon stretches me – the topic is “What should I boast about?”.  From Jeremiah 9:23-24. 

Boast in knowing God and obeying God – not power, riches or wisdom.  The last one is the hard one – I’ve always liked the thought, now that my hair is gone up top, that I still have something else up there that is worth it (whatever “it” is)!

The other comes from the narrative of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego found in the Old Testament Book of Daniel.  When I read a story, I get all sorts of ideas.

Off the top, there are such topics as:  Names they kept, food they ate, loyalty they demonstrated, friends they chose, God who rescues, place for everyone.  Not a bad set of thoughts when you consider they were the oppressed/conquered ones.

Any other thoughts – feel free to comment!

The Podcasting Thing

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

podasting first day - distinct

Well, today, a friend and I started working on putting together a podcast.

Actually, it’s just us two talking about being pastors.  And about being in a small town.  And about being human beings!

Lots of fun.  We’ll keep you posted.

A year later

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Well, we have our approval for occupancy of our renovation!

Us a year ago.

Now the siding is done. No exposed holes in the basement. The hardwood floors are all redone. Makeover of the inside – gutting both floors and installing a basement (ICF – 9 foot tall). Refinished doors (not quite done – we figure with labour included we have some doors worth thousands of dollars).

All Good!