Identity, Common Good, and living today

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Our world today is all about self-identifying. And we fight tirelessly for that identity.

Thus, the new(er) term called “identity politics”. Communities fight for their approach to life, affirming those who agree and excoriating those who don’t. Individuals may fight to do whatever they want, feeling offended if someone disagrees with them. In the extreme, individuals isolate themselves, preferring to affirm their own identity by accepting themselves as “god”, knowing that whatever they do is the most important thing in the world.

We are left with a great amount of polarizing when we self-identify. This can be an individualistic identifying -” I am who I am. Don’t try to make me something else. Your rules are irrelevant.” This can also be a collective identifying – “We are who we are. Don’t try to make us something else. Others rules are irrelevant.”

What brings about this identity crisis?

Dare I say that a desire to be recognized, respected, and accepted fuels this trend. I remember the song of the sixties that talked about giving me a number and taking away my name. We wanted to be something, to amount to something, to make a difference. Cynically speaking, we also wanted to be left alone, to do our own thing without shame, and to be comfortable.

Again, daring myself to say this, a true identity finds solace in the faith that they are right. There is also a solace in finding a group who supports a common good that your faith agrees with. The culture (in the social science sense) is shaped by the individual – who is respected and listened to. At the same time the culture shapes an individual, as the interchange of ideas and action explore the common good.

All that to say, the common good is achieved only by finding the source of good. If you cannot say you have found that source, your identity is lacking that good. If you cannot say you have found a true faith, you are lacking a faith worth living for.

The shade of death cannot overcome the light of life

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Humans desire more than small pleasures in the routines of life. We seek great challenges in the face of death.

It is not the desire to be heros that holds us back from expansive life. Rather, that we claim to be the creator’s of our our own heroic status, instead of embracing the true creator, Christ.

In light of death, we are called to come to Christ.

To die.

To live.

Mere self-effort or heroism will not overcome death.

Through Christ and in Christ, we already are conquerors, overcomers in this life.


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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Today began at below freezing temperature. In fact, below, below freezing.

Now, in terms of cold, I’ve seen worse.

In fact, in our neck of the woods – or more rightly, our hand of the prairies – we have been blessed this year.

Most years, I have the plugin for the car our of the engine compartment before Christmas. Yesterday was the momentous date – the cord came out and the block heater was plugged in (for those of you from other than the northern climes – a block heater keeps your engine warm so the oil can flow and the sparks can fly when you start your car).

Two of us were shoveling walks yesterday. Our conversation was short as we greeted one another. At another time, and in a warmer clime, we will rehearse not only the weather (which is a good topic this time of year), but probably the state of crops, the welfare of children, the progress on renovations, the need for rain, the . . . But not today.

And so, I’m sitting inside, writing about the outside, enjoying fossil fuels and farmer food. How good is that!!

Toxic Masculinity

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

There have been a number of assaults on men’s masculinity lately.

Or, perhaps, more rightly, we are trying to figure out what masculinity means. Which drives a number of questions about gender. Our society has now determined that your sex (that which distinguishes you anatomically from birth) is different than your gender (that which is fluid).

This appears to be a sign of discontent, of selfishness and disregard for a created order.

  • Why are we discontent?
  • Why do we think our way is the best way?
  • How does a creator explain the order of creation?

Questions I have been pondering.