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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m looking out my office window as the sun rises.  Later each day, promising winter and then spring.  The colours are beautiful – fall is upon us and the leaves are changing.

I remember yesterday like it was today – oops, a senior’s thing of stringing all of life into one day!

I prayed for good weather when the weather channel was forecasting worse.  We were the hot spot in Saskatchewan.  I’m still trying to figure out if God is laughing at me because I really didn’t think much of that prayer.

I’ve gone completely off a drug I was taking.  I prayed for God’s healing.  I’m still not sure what has happened.  I’m not perfectly healed, but my body is responding is unexpected ways.  Maybe God thinks I’m a bit hilarious for tossing that prayer his way.

I pray in Jesus’ name.  Maybe the Son of God is beginning to rise a bit more in my life.  The colours are beautiful – resurrection is upon us and new life is here.

From yesterday’s observations

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A friend mentioned that perhaps Twain’s summary of the Book of Mormon was much like a summary of Plato’s Republic.  At least that is what I took from his words.

Which is in some ways a justification of Socrates idea of precise definition of words and ideas.  Without the full quote (words written out) I’m unable to fully understand in my search for truth and beauty and happiness found in the writings of Twain.

I went looking for a summary of the Book of Mormon by Samuel Clemens – the real Mark Twain (now there is a sentence which needs further clarification – when is another name the real person, or is the pseudonym truly the person themselves?)

The summaries I came across were interesting – none of which glorified the Book of Mormon.  Knowing the writings of Mark Twain, I imagine there is a very well thought out, concise and stinging critique available. 

Just haven’t found it yet. 

I’d love to know if you know what I don’t know which would knowingly assist me in my search.

Plato’s Republic– What is truth?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m in the midst of reading Plato’s Republic.  My wife had a copy hanging around and since I had never read the original – although I have read summaries – I thought is was time to digest Socrates’ thoughts as given through Plato.

My first impression was that words and precise meanings are essential for Socrates way of life.  The rhetoric – or arguments – are designed to help the seeker find truth. 

My second impression – as I read along today – is that presuppositions tend to rule our arguments.  We try to prove what we already believe.  Although the seeker must also seek as well as justify their own conclusions, the whole thing tends to come off as manipulation.

At least as Plato writes it.  While Socrates will listen to an argument, sometimes it seems like he goes through a maze of twists and turns to come to the conclusion he may have held in the first place.  Plain and simple, Socrates truth is what he “knows” and what he is willing to understand that does not negate some basic ideas he began with.  A journey of truth seeking starts with some innate “truths”.  At least that is my impression so far.

Which brings me to the question of the day.  If we are seeking truth, the best way to find truth is to start by finding the gem of truth that wholly shines out the essence of truth.  That is not me, or Socrates, or any other human – we do not have a broad enough scope to plumb the depths of truth.  When Jesus (who claims to be the creator and God) says he is the truth, that is a statement that makes sense for those of us who truly seek truth.  And to begin with that gem as our focal point, we then have a pathway to truth.

What is truth is answered by Jesus – in the fullest way possible.

Centering my age

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We have a new pastor at the Kindersley Alliance Church.  Peter Ralph, Jr. was installed this morning – he’s now plugged into our congregation and ready to go.

My friend’s son is now my pastor.  The kid from Sunday School and Children’s choir is now our senior pastor!  I can see why we have gone to the moniker – Lead Pastor.

In the past two weeks, two of my friends from my teen years died.  Cancer takes lives – and I’m coming to say that 60 something is young!

I recalled a 1968 event with ease, and the idea that I was around when the Cuban crisis occurred dates me.

A numbing left arm brings to mind immediately a possibility of stroke, instead of the realization that I’ve been working on renovations steadily for the last few months.

My eyes feast on the beauty of my wife, but my willing body would like to respond much more quickly to the stimuli.  I drive with cruise control, not so much to curb my heavy foot but to give my foot a rest.

And so, on September 21, 2018, I limp over another milestone.  I’ll be 65 – still feeling 18 but visiting in my mind the future of being 100. 

I’m glad that my ticket for the future is not yet bought even though I’ve been reading the brochures!