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WWJD – another perspective from A.B. Simpson:

I had earlier this year mentioned that the book "In His Steps" was not wholly endorsed by A.B. Simpson – a contemporary to the writer – Charles Sheldon. Here is another indication:

– From A.B. Simpson’s Christ in the Bible series – XVII – Romans (Christian Publications), p. 266 –

"What would Jesus do?" is a simple question which will settle every difficulty, and always settle it on the side of love.

But we cannot answer this question rightly without having Jesus Himself in our hearts. We cannot act Christ. This is too grave a matter for acting. We must have Christ, and simply be natural and true to the life within us, and that life will act itself out.

Reviewing a life past

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A decade ago a friend of mine died.  These past few weeks I was going through some files and found a card on which I had jotted down some thoughts. 

Lloyd Orthner had been a dentist in our community, a church leader and a community spokesperson.  In the last year of his life (before his passing from cancer), I gleaned from him these thoughts, which are still relevant today:

Accept others for who they are.  God will do the changing.

Know people’s limitations.  Don’t just dismiss people.

Be involved in the community.

Don’t force things – care about people.

Be yourself – sincere in all  you do.

Be content where you are.

Not a bad list of virtues to live by. 

Life in Jesus is reflected in people like Lloyd, a winsome person who lived his life transparently following Jesus.

Witness to a conversation

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The Party Line is not dead.

Not the political party line – which many be finding itself on hard times.  What with extremist leaders and moderate followers.

No, the party line I’m talking about is the old fashioned phone line, where conversation could be had with a multitude of people at one time.  Before three way calling or teleconferencing. 

Yesterday I sat at a party.  We had a circle of around 10 people, with four leading the way in conversation.  They were all within about 5 years of each other, had been school, church and family chums.  Their stories were hilarious, scattered with inside jokes.

They were fun, without cell phones to interrupt.  Us on the periphery found out lots about those on the inner circle.  Things that helped us see what companionship and community is all about.  Institutions do well to heed the micro functioning of those who guard our heritage. 

Enjoy those times where you are not the center of conversation, nor are you attempting to propel the conversation.  You will find a global wealth of life that so easily escapes us.

How did we get here?

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I’m a baby boomer.  We were the generation who were going to be free from all the constraints of life.  We would have free sex, free love, free from authority.  Life was to be a party!  Woodstock be praised.

We are now into our retirement years, or coming close. 

I’m not so excited about where we ended up.  Our culture has a desirous supreme leader who understands entertainment only too well.  And the church???

Our worship services are about entertainment – and too often about ourselves.  Our children are non-attenders of spiritual gatherings. 

The idea was to entertain to attract.  The idea was excellence in the entertainment to rival the culture’s best.  The idea was that felt needs would attract people. 

And I feel like we won a community and lost a vision.  Perhaps we are perishing – from entertainment, felt needs, and selfishness.

Where is God?