When I asked

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I recently had the opportunity to sit with my choral music mentor, Doug Richards.  In my days as a church choir member – while still a teen – Doug sat next to me and impressed upon me the place of vocal music. 

He still holds that the greatest instrument is the human voice.  We can mimic and imitate all sorts of sounds and graceful melodies.

So, I asked Doug:

What is one thing your have learned in your decades of singing and leading music in a church?

“If a song works, go for it.  If it doesn’t work, kill it!”

Good advice.

Fear and Trust

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For the longest time I’ve struggled to understand the fear of God.  Mostly the struggle revolves around fear debilitating someone.  In the Bible, the idea is that love casts out fear. 

Very true. 

When someone loves you, you have no fear of them – in the sense that they will always be there to support you.  They will bring justice and stand up for you when an offense happens against you.

We overlook the truth that consequences will happen when we offend and step across the line. 

We are trusting that the one who says there are consequences will be able to fulfil their promises of judgment against those who offend us.

If we truly believe in justice, we will have to believe that justice works equally.  If we are negligent in our own duties, we can expect the consequences.

The flip side of loving trust is justified fear?

The concert–why music is important

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Friday night I went to a concert.  Choral music – well done by high school students and young adults.  I was the eager listener seated next to the committed listener (his teen was in the choir).

I had spent part of the concert listening to see who were the outstanding vocalists.  Some were featured as soloists.  Others supported their vocal sections.  No doubt there was talent to be seen and heard.  At the end of the concert I was up and dancing.  Not all music gets me going – this one did. Three things stuck out in the introductions and presentations:

1.  Harmony is based in the universe – I grew up with a song we sung in our boys choir (grades 5-6).  “All things will perish, Music alone shall live.”  The words were rather pretentious – I think God lives forever, as do people.  But there is something to the way sounds harmonize and even have overtones and harmonics which we did not create.  The universe has a harmony of its own that God created.  Certainly nothing we created.

2.  Effective concerts invite you into the experience.  I personally start conducting music, and singing along and infuriating the people next to me!  A good concert gets my toes tapping, or my mind wrapped up, or my emotions overflowing.  There is that razor edge where the choir steps outside of their performance – as much as they enjoy the experience – and somehow projects the words and notes into your life.  In this sense, a sporting event is not much different than a concert.

3.  A concert is about humility and service.  There are enough divas in music.  A good musician recognizes that the music is not just for them – the audience (those hearing) are the real recipients.  Musicians cannot force you to enjoy their music.  They must humbly place their performance in front of you and allow you to chose.  A good musician also recognizes your current life – the concert is a service, not an edict of what you must or must not like.  When we connect, performer and audience, the audience has been humbly served and walks away encouraged and inspired.

Phrases day!

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Here are some thoughts that I’ve run across lately:

Priscilla Shirer – The Armor of God (DVD series) – LifeWay

Truth – God’s opinion on any matter

Righteousness is not manufactured – it’s released.

Trust fuels thanksgiving and thanksgiving activates peace.

Your faith needs a job – active faith is a shield for us.  Faith is what you say you believe – in action.

Often promises are not placed in your hand, but within you reach.

Margaret Feinberg – Wonder Struck: Awaken to the nearness of God – Worthy publishing company.

Words are a gift through which we keep the past alive, the present bearable, the future hopeful. (p. 121)

Daniel T. Rodgers – When Truth becomes a Commodity – Chronicle of Higher Education, January 15, 2017 (a version of the article appears in the January 20, 2017 issue as well)

But where truths are utterly free to be individually chosen, where the processes of inquiry are marginalized, the social disintegrates. So does truth. (p. 3)

Ron Baker – The Die Rector – CJVJ media – publication in process.

The coin of life and death.  The currency we spend in life is returned at death – your legacy comes alive at your funeral