Drive by Daniel Pink.
On of those books that, although I’m only started, has great promise.
I heard Daniel Pink over a simulcast at the Global Leadership Summit held by Willow Creek Association. The talk was given by a self professed geek, who is an amazing speaker – dry sense of humor and lots of content.
His basic thing relates to the matter of motivation in getting things done. He admits to the idea that the carrot and stick work for some efforts. But the real motivator needs to be intrinsic (or as we gospel types would say – from the heart).
The true motivators? Autonomy (let them go at it!), Mastery (do something you are good at and be good at it), and Purpose (we like to do what is significant). Money as an incentive actually is proving to be a disincentive.
Can we apply this to church? Start accepting people’s ideas about the wild way they would like to do things. Don’t necessarily look to give unexplainably high salaries, but rather give a significant mission.
Well, that’s a start.