I’ve noted that Spring has a certain freshness. The air is seemingly clearer. The sunshine is bright. The ground just begs growth. In fact, one person talking to me thought that within an hour’s time one plant grew an inch.
I can’t help but see this beauty.
On the other hand, allergies are most acute. Dust begins to pollinate and pollute the air. And people air their differences.
Often, to start with, not in a nasty way. They have been so isolated in the last few months they suddenly feel their need for greater connection.
In past years this has morphed fairly quickly into complaints and grumbling. There is no intended malice to begin with, just a chance comment and a low sigh. Not always recognizable, and often overlooked. The work of a care giver is to hear the sound and respond in kind. A quick phone call, a short visit or perhaps even a prayer for mercy on that person who is awakening from winter.
May God grant to you and your loved ones the opportunity to take the edge off Spring. May your days be filled with re-growth of relationship and may your love for others multiply in this time of newness of life.
With the hard climate in Saskatchewan, especially worse this year, is it any wonder there will be quite an adjustment to “peaceful” weather !! I congratulate you hardy people out there, for your hard work and patience whatever the weather. Hope the ground is good this year for sowing and reaping.