Guiding lights

For more than 35 years I was privileged to have a guiding light in my life.

Jill pictureMy first wife was born on July 1st – the Canada Day baby (or Dominion Day as it used to be called)! 

She quickly became a light of hope for those around her – she fought a congenital heart problem for her whole life.  In 2012, With almost 59 years of life and light experience, she moved to a new existence upon death into eternal life.

Jill’s light was evident amongst her friends, her acquaintances and those who heard of her.  Perseverance accompanied a lady whose surgeries and limitations were obvious.  The week before she died, she hosted a meal with a crowd of seniors.  She talked faster than anyone around her – and made perfect sense to those who listened.  In spite of physical limitations she helped raise two children into independent adulthood, depending on their mother for love and support.

Music lit up the room when Jill was there.  She played piano, sang and composed.  Her heart was in her music.

And her heart was for Jesus.  Where her true light originated.

Though no longer here, the rays of her light are still bouncing around amongst us.

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