Into a new week

As I look out the window this morning, the temperatures are still below zero.  Our spring this year has continued on the cold side.

But, the sun is shining.  There is a slight breeze and the next few days are forecasted to be warmer.

This week and next have been booked.  I will spend time in the car once again.  While a great place for quiet and solitude, there is still the constant attention  and vigilence that is needed.  I wonder how salespeople keep up the pace when traveling thousands of kilometers a week.

I will head to the office to prepare for coming activities.  In the midst of all that, I am going to try to practice a sense of solitude and silence.  Reading through a book by Henri Nouwen, he reminds me that silence is not always being without words, but in our words having an approach of silence. 

A sign of older age is the desire to have less clutter and more space.  I want to intentionally work through my house.  In three short months there will be the clutter of two homes molded into one.  Better to have less than to have so much that you despair of knowing what to do with it all.

And so, my week begins – with a few things in mind!  This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

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