Just sitting!

The day has been busy.  First, our regular Sunday service and then a group who joined us for dinner.  I’ve hauled chairs and tables, run up and down stairs, and laughed lots.

Now, the late afternoon creeps forward as I sit and meditate.

“God is good.”  The usual response is “all the time”.  I know that in my head, and often in my heart. 

But some days you wonder how the pattern works.  There is a young lady who is sick today, as well as a young man.  Others have been not well this week.  My dad is recovering, with some success as well as some reluctance.  And that’s just the obvious.

That’s where age plays a role.  Faithfulness is seen over time, not just in words.  And I’ve watched God for years.  He’s been watching me for much longer!  And when it comes down to it, I’d have to say that He certainly has a better handle on this “life thing” than I do.

So, God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

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