We are now home. For the next while. Without a lot of travel planned.
As we settled in these last few days, we both recognized that this is not home, yet. We had both spent time in the last while settling into separate lives. 400 kilometers apart. Oblivious of each other.
Until courting began less than a year ago. And now a marriage and a life together. With the together things that go along with that.
The house where we are living has changed. This is not the house of Ron, nor the house of Cynthia. Amalgamation takes time.
Yes, we moved boxes in, unpacked a number of them, and prepared other items for garage sale. In that way, we have started to peek into the look of our future.
But we see with a glass dimly (a slight biblical allusion!). Each day is an opportunity to learn something new. To create a fresh encounter with who we are and what we are to become.
In that way, we are “making home”. I know no better way to express the adventure we are on. Exciting, frustrating, curious, consuming, fun, exhausting . . . all words that only begin to touch this new life together.
In vowing to commit our lives to each other, I wouldn’t have it any other way!