My day has been busy. From administration to lunch hour visiting to afternoon preparations, to supper meeting, to wind down time.
And somewhere in there the lawn showed the results of an excess of precipitation.
Normally that would not be a problem. Cut the grass in a spare block of time.
But our lawnmower has quit, we are soon on our way for holidays, and we don’t want to buy a new mower until after the vacation is over.
Where to get a mower? Next door!!
We had used her reel mower a few days ago. The grass had grown. So, I figured a quick pass over the lawn after borrowing the mower once again would suffice. Of course, with a reel mower a greater amount of time would be taken.
I received permission and proceeded to her garden shed. There she pulled out a gas mower which had been in for repair months ago. Today it was back. And today I was able to use the mower. Only took 1/2 hour, compared to an hour or two.
Which was a good thing, because as I returned the mower our evening guest arrived. Thankfully all of this was done within a timeframe that had to have been arranged by someone other than myself.
Thanks to God! Sometimes the mundane of life seems to provide examples of the Greatest One in life!
Hi my husband has been cotactned by greenges on tuesday and I also had 3 phone calls off excalibur one after another on Monday We managed to claim the money paid to excalibur through the credit card company.I don’t know whether to trust them or not.Timeshare recommend using your own solicitor to claim monies originally paid.