What If?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I have lived with the thought of “even if” for some time.  That is the idea that as life comes, consider the worst case scenario.  From the worst case, decide to do the right thing with hope and joy.

This is a good guiding principle for life.  This is what I call an antidote to the “what if” syndrome.  What if starts first from fear – no matter if the circumstance is good or bad – you can always find something worse!

I’d like to turn the “WHAT IF”  scenario on its head today.  What if, in examining life’s current offerings, we were to tithe ourselves to consider at least a 10% better day today.

What would that tithe look like for you today?

On considering my name

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Decades after my birth, I did the google thing!

What does Ron mean/derive from?  I have known the idea that mighty power/warrior comes from a Scandinavian/Norse background.  The idea of being a leader/king.

Today’s surprise?  Some sites associate the name Ron with Hebrew – meaning “song of Joy”, “singing”. 

That seems to fit!

Are you 94 or older?

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The “greatest generation” (I love the labels we now have for people – even adding an “alpha” generation when we needed a new name after we used up “generation Z”).  To be in the greatest generation you need to be 94 and older. 

In a province with over 1 million people, I hear the statistic from StatsCan is as follows:  there are 4,005 people still living (less than the population of Kindersley, where I live).  I happen to know a few of them.  They live, presently, here in this town and around the province. 

As you might guess, they are dying off – fulfilling that one statistic that we can’t get around – physical death! 

Not a bad time to consider connecting with a greatest generation person – before it is too late!

CG theory for the church?

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One of those provocative statements that gets me thinking.  A tweet by “Michael Frost”.

“Church Growth Theory didn’t result in church growth, and the Christian leadership industry didn’t give us better leaders. So can we stop trying to do Christian ministry with tools from the fields of marketing, management and psychology now?!”

I heard the predictions of this in the 1970’s.  I appreciate that science and observation have a place in everyday life – otherwise I wouldn’t know how to brush my teeth.  At the same time, manipulation is never a proper response to science and observation, but too often it is the response.