On our current world
My head is full of all sorts of bits and bytes of information.
I can become lazy and merely accept everything I hear, or only believe what I want to believe. Or I can become so immobllized that I don’t make any decisions and life literally passes me by. My head needs to do the hard work of sorting our fact and fiction. My heart needs to guard itself from emotions that spin towards evil, spite, malice and other harmful sentiments. Rather, I need to see that love reigns.
But in the end? In the end our focus needs to be on Jesus.
Such a simple statement that Jesus made millenia ago still holds true for us today. “I am the way, the truth and the life.” If you are memorizing scripture – this is one verse you need to tuck away both in your head and in your heart. Push past the clouds of confusing information and the emotions of polarizing discord and look at Jesus. As the Holy Spirit prompts and nudges you, keep finding your way to God through Jesus, seek to know the truth in Jesus and live with joy the life that you have been given.