29:29–You don’t have to be responsible for everything!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

You don’t have to be responsible for everything!

Deuteronomy 29:29 (NLT) – “The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.”

I love the way we try to figure out everything that God knows!  How’s that going for you??  And some days we get anxious that we don’t know enough of what God knows.  Maybe we just stepped over the line or missed something??

OR . . . maybe we just need to go back to what God has revealed to date.  Act promptly and completely on that.  And when we learn something new – WOW!  God’s getting our minds reshaped and reformed!  Nothing contradictory from what we have seen so far, but like the old TV show idea – exploring the edges of the universe can be exciting!

Food for the Body, Soul and Spirit

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I attended a Filipino potluck yesterday.

The afternoon began as a celebration of six years in town.  The group was related to a Filipino church plant.  Every year they celebrate on their anniversary – and hand out T-shirts!  The time allotted for a formal presentation seemed irrelevant – although we all knew food was to follow.

Then we surrounded tables.  All the food was packaged the same (except for the Pizza).  Of course, there was no problem finding out who made what.  I’m not necessarily a recipe hunter, but . . .

And when we were done the spirit, soul and body was satisfied!

T shirt - 6th Anniversary Filipino church Kindersley

Creating a philosophy of revelation

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Information overload (TMI – too much information!) is a growing area of concern.  Quality of decisions are lessened.  The ability to process all the information creates great stress and anxiety.

And that is before our heart feels the stabs of rejection, loss of loved ones and the wearing down of courage in the light of overwhelming waves of opposition.

I’m working on a philosophy of revelation.  Revelation, in my approach, is the distillation of situations that are made clear in a manner that can admit wide bands of research while providing a clarity that cuts through the fog of myriad opinions.  The revelation can also come at the initial beginning of the process, before additional information is added.

The revelation is the final conclusion.  Revelation allows for the dismissal of all kinds of riff raff, argy bargy, and many other colloquial terms.  With revelation comes content-fullness.  A sense that any further exploration of the topic will only renew the original conclusion found through revelation.

In an evidence based world, revelation clearly fulfils the evidence (in one sense trumps the evidence).  This is not just algorithms and AI projecting.  While perhaps coming to the same conclusion as algorithms and AI, the revelation is a connection that goes beyond ciphers and interpretations.  A true revelation is true.

Allowing for revelation is at odds with our current world system.  And just to be clear – makes a Christian system anathema to a system that is being expounded by many today.

Which begs the questions – How do you know revelation is true?  Does revelation depend on a faithful witness over time? 

Questions for another day.


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The end should decide the beginning – This is a revelational model of living.

Or, the journey is an endless set of beginnings with no end.  This is an existential model of living.

I tend to think that I would like to know what comes last so I can choose where to begin.