Following up

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I ran across Jonathan Pennington when I reviewed his book on Flourishing found in the Sermon on the Mount.  When I saw a paper he had written on Church as Community Gathered, I had to read the article!

Maybe his firm planting in the book of Matthew intrigues me.  Maybe my early memorizing of the same book while in high school pushed me to explore his thoughts.  Perhaps I’m just curious since I’m constantly trying to understand what the church is.

Pennington makes it easy.  Three pictures.  That’s all (OK, academic papers are never that easy!)

*  the church is a family,

*  the church is a school of disciples

*  the church is citizens of a kingdom not of this world.

Start from there and see where you end up.

Preacher blog in the interim between birth and death

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I was preaching yesterday – December 27th.  The church was not full, as if we were between two bookends with only a few books in between.

My outline was simple.

Jesus came for all.  Christmas reminds us that everyone, no matter what your diversity, how well you have been included in your culture, or whether you are treated equally by those around you – everyone is affected by God’s invitation through Jesus to enter into personal relationship with God.

Jesus claims our all.  Walk with Jesus through the narratives we find in the Bible.  While we live in a gig economy, where we have more than one master – Jesus calls for a single hearted followership.  Invitation is coupled with commitment.

Jesus confers all on all who believe.  Into the mix of commitment comes inheritance.  Jesus’ riches are our riches. 

Everyone, Everywhere, Everything, Evermore.

Laugh for the day

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Quite a few months ago, when this was possible, I sat down with my Aunt Grayce.  We were having coffee and the group was reflecting on favourite beverages.

Aunt Grayce, now tilting into her late 80’s, mentioned that she liked some Bailey’s in her coffee.

I mentioned that her mother was a stalwart member of the WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union). 

Aunt Grayce replied:  “I’m of age.”

A church for the future?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The COVID thing is leading to future questions.  What will best suit the church in the future?

By suit, I’m meandering into the question of the changes in our world.  How do we see these changes driving us back to fundamentals (for those who would prefer another word, how about “foundations”)?

Church is the primary place of gathering for Christians.  I’m fairly flexible in that – there are micro-churches, family churches, mega-churches, community churches, denominational churches, . . .

In these gatherings, what should be capturing our time and activity?  Things that lead to:

  • our affections being enhanced and glorified
  • our allegiances being nationalized and prioritized
  • our attention being grabbed and sensationalized
  • our knowledge being prioritized and rationalized
  • our imagination being led to transcendence and wonder

Now, I know the way I have written this tends to turn some legitimate activities into scourges.  I love the party of a church gathering, the teaching of a good leader, the focusing of my energies, and the thankfulness of being in the place where I live. 

But I wonder, in a day and age of many polarizations, if we need to consider pulling our gatherings back to Jesus.  Back to the Almighty God.  Back to the wonder-working Spirit.

Instead of speeding up – we could slow down and “smell the roses”.  Instead of living apart and scattered by many differences – we could gather around the Triune God.  Instead of critiquing everyone around us, including our friends – we could commune in love.