Birthday celebration VCR
My Uncle Mar(shall) had an 80th birthday recently. The activities were recorded on a VCR tape. The tape wound its way out to my father a week or so ago. I was asked to make a copy.
I thought 45 minutes would be good. Then I looked at the written program that accompanied the tape. The program suggested exact times (I’ve worked with programs and theatre productions — seldom are the times exact although you try hard). Total time: 3 hours.
I continued my musings. "3 hours is a long time to sit through a program." I didn’t see any intermissions — that makes it even longer.
The recorder was turned on and the tape set to "super long play!" After three hours I checked. The program went a little longer than expected.
On to the next tape — a wedding anniversary that was to be copied. In a small corner to the tape was transcribed — "5 hours, 50 minutes." The tapes were set to record 6 hours. This tape was actually to be two events recorded back to back. If you had to sit through them, you would be wondering about your back!! I began the tapes at 2:00 pm and they completed at 8:00 pm.
Well, Dad and Mom should have some good watching! Always good to hear tributes to old friends. May this prove to be an encouraging stroll down memory lane!