Seniors housing moving along!
This evening, at the Elks hall, the next step was taken.
Caleb Group came with a proposal for the seniors housing project in Kindersley. They had listened to comments made in the past months. There are stoves (that can be turned off) in each apartment, and a washer and dryer. Showers and baths are available in a new and unique enclosure.
Apartments run up to $3600/month (these are with meals and all amenities included). Smaller apartments are in the upper teens. Condos start around $150,000 (don’t quote me – you can get the quotes from Ron Falsted who is in Kindersley for the next two months or so). And even 12 townhouses are planned.
If you look out the fourth story window you will be able to see the endless expanse of prairies, perhaps the water from our local dam, and possibly the roof of the Kindersley Alliance church. One person was here seeing what we were doing, and considering how that might work in his home community of Prince Albert.
Exciting days ahead. Let’s see what God has in store!!