Rain falls from heaven

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Today the rain fell.  All day. 

No yard work — although we had planned for the exercise.  Instead, Jill came in the house and announced the rain gauge showed one inch of rain.  2.5 centimeters for those in metric mode.

In some places an inch is a pittance.  Here it is a bucket full.  The farmers (those who have seeded) will be happy — even more happy if the sun shines soon and the seeds germinate.

Oh, talk about coming up — the mosquitos are on their way.  Saw some yesterday.  Today’s rain will encourage more.  A bloody nuisance.

Speaking of blood!  After much blood, sweat and mostly laugther the "almost final" version of the CD project "Testify" was burned today.  I’m having withdrawal already!  How’s this for a picture for the front of the CD.


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

For a long time I’ve tried to decipher the people who turn the world upside down.

I think I’m getting closer!

I was reading and preaching on Daniel 6 today.  The thing that will get people into the most trouble?  The thing that will create opposition?  The thing that is explosive and dynamic?


So quiet and seemingly serene an activity.  Rocks the world and changes the landscape!

Hearts, voices and Fridays

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Thursday night I visited a friend in the hospital.  He had an apparent mild heart attack.  With medication he was feeling well.  Friday he was off to a larger centre for a further assessment.  I’ve appreciated Gordon’s laughter, his quirky sense of humour and his deep concern for others.  I’m praying for recovery!

Friday came with a sermon to prepare, visiting to be done and recording to complete.

Friends from Calgary, Arnold and Phyllis Schellenberg, dropped in.  Their children were a little older than ours.  Jill and I had taught them when they were young.  Now they are 29 and 31.  Arnold and Phyllis are nearing retirement.  The time was sweet and encouraging.  We left each other with prayer.

The evening (5 hours worth) was spent laying down further tracks for Wayne Gibson’s CD called "Testify."  We now have two tracks that are pretty well ready — 8 others that need mixed and one, possibly two tracks, that we would like to add another instrument.  At midnight we finished off a song called "Your Glory."  What a great number.  I haven’t mastered it down yet, but perhaps in the next while I’ll stick a snippet on this site.

At th midnight hour I hit the pillow.  Now Saturday will be spent continuing to work on the CD.  Release date is scheduled for September 28th, here in Kindersley during our Goose Festival.

Hole in the Ground!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Tonight I cemented.

Not my teeth — I haven’t gone the false way yet!

Instead, the basement demanded help.  I have inserted some new duct work under a two foot section of the floor. 

The cement instructions require that not too much water is added.  Otherwise you decrease the strength of the cement and length the curing time.  I carefully measured in some water and added a bit more (sort of like cooking!!).  Then I trowelled in the mixture, filling in all the cracks.  I left the final topping just a few centimeters short of the floor surface.  I’ll add a final mixture of fine cement to level the floor.

Now, on to the next project — finishing off the basement decor.