He's Home!

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Yes, we picked Tim up at 8:00 pm yesterday.  Actually, his plane was early!  Now, that’s an unusual happening — one that we rather appreciated.  We were back home by 10:30 or so.  After a short snack and closing evening medications (two had a snack, one was finishing off her regularly scheduled pills), we headed to bed.

The next few days will be busy.  Visiting with Tim . . . practice for a musical presentation at our seniors meeting . . . an Elder’s board retreat . . . a trip to Rosetown for mother’s day . . . oh, and the regular things of life like sermons, and mowing lawns, and . . .

Our son to arrive tomorrow!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Expedia has confirmed.  Our son, Tim, has booked a flight.  He will arrive in Saskatoon tomorrow at 7:53.

We have been in conversation with Tim these last few days.  Until then, four months had gone by without contact.  His contract completed the end of April.  Now he’ll touch the earth of Canada. 

Until this weekend.  He flies out to Puerto Rico to take up a new contract with Royal Caribbean cruise lines.  Working as a Production Manager.

So, tomorrow night we get caught up.  On his life, and he on ours.

Driving Daisies

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A car in the shop.  An early morning.  What better to do?

I awoke fairly early this morning.  The original plan was to leave the house around 7:30 am.  I was off a bit before that.

I knew my ride would have to be "me."  My best manner of conveyance?   A bicycle.

At first I was consciously pedalling just to get there!  Half way through the ride I began to hear bird.  I saw flowers.  The smell of dirt beckoned.  The sunshine was bright.  Fields stretched in front of me.

My feet began to ease up.  Not in speed, but in intent. 

Almost as though I was freed from rush.  Freed from the pending day.  Rather, the daisies — or were they tulips or other spring colors — began to drive my ride!

Somedays, Sunday is a wake up call to rest!

A ride to remember!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The skies were close this morning.  Clouds surrounded the town and droplets fell. 

At some points there was a plethora of rain.  At others hesitation.  The result was a shower to green the plants and water the thirsty soil.

All fine and well!!  I didn’t have a car — it’s in the shop.  I do have a bike.

So, I dressed for the fifteen minute ride.  Wind pants and rain repellent jacket.  Back pack with plastic bags inside.  An extra pair of clothing.

At my arrival I stepped inside the building door.  Drips of water and mud fell on the floor.  I stood the bike in the tiled entry.  Carefully removing my backpack, I carried it across the floor.  In the kitchen I removed the jacket and splash pants.  A bit of mud but not bad.

I stepped out of my shoes — one of my socks was wet and a bit muddy.  The back tire had also provided a stripe up my back.  Sitting on the seat of the bike did not guard me from wetness. 

Needless to say, but I will anyway, I was a bit wet.  After a quick change I cleaned the kitchen and headed off to work in my office.  And all before 9:00 — my usual time to start!

If nothing else, I have gotten exercise this past week!  Hammering cement, walking back from deserted cars and riding bicycles.  Life may be unexpected, but in it all — it’s good!!