Dad drops in!

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Guess who came to dinner?

My dad!  Accompanied by my sister. 

We ate together, along with 50 others, at our "XYZ" luncheon.  Then we listened to stories of Africa told by a young lady, Laura.  She is just back from several months in Africa.

Afterwards we headed to our home.  Around the table we reminisced and looked at the future.

Around 4:30 they headed back to Rosetown. 

See you again soon!!

Of business and Rock and Roll

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Tonight, Ralph Boychuk, President of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, spoke to a group of us.  His topic was "being a godly man in a business world."  We ranged all over various topics. 

Once you step into the business world you have to take into account all those things like politics, ethics and management.  As much as we would like everything to be cut and dried, things are complex and real wisdom must be sought.  I pray for those who deal daily in the business world.

On the other hand, Ralph is an old rocker.  We had a jam session with three of us.  Lots of fun!  For about an hour or more.  For Ralph, and even for me, this is a stress reliever.  Just music and chords and rhythm. 

Thanks, Ralph, for dropping in!!

Monday, Monday

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How did that old song go?

"Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Most Mondays are that way.  Even today I worked through a number of administrative details.  Things that needed done, people contacted and plans made.

At the same time, tiredness tends to catch up.  Busyness (notice I didn’t say "business") creeps up.  I have seen great times of concerts, seminars, talks, and other activities.  But after lunch today a short nap was  in order.  And another just before supper.  Now, at the end of the day, I’m ready again for a rest.

Life is good.  God calls us to rest — that’s the way we are made.  So, off to bed in the next short while.  See you again tomorrow.

Hutterite talk

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Hutterites are a great group.  A number of centuries ago they were evangelical and missionary.  With the creep of centuries of tradition there current format is different than the original.  As with any older institution, with was is not what is.

Today we had a couple talk to us about current Hutterite ways.  This couple would love to see a return to that original fervor.  The thirty or so who attended the session were also interested in the same direction.

Over the next while I would love to follow up on this.  If you have reminiscences, or anecdotes or internet links or other information, contact me.  I’d love to see what we can find out!