Snow on the ground

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A few days ago, we could watch the snow melt

Today, I’m awakened to snow on the ground.  But I know Spring is on the way — in fact, we celebrated it on March 21st.

How much like our lives.  Often we have come out of a long winter.  We have celebrated the entrance into a new season.  And then some adversity hits.  But, with it, we have hope.  We need to continue in that hope and trust God to work.

Jill and I have been much like the seasons this past week.  We are seeing God work, and yet we are also living in a real world of people.  I guess there is no better place to be — hope Springs!

Finding a new "old" car

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We wandered over to a used car lot today.

For  the last few months we have had the use of a Neon car.  The usual driver of the car was over in Africa.  So we enjoyed being able to both be a two places at one time.  Without having to walk long distances!

The driver has arrived back from Africa.  So we wondered what a car would cost.

One was available for viewing.  $1,900.  1990 Subaru.  Four door.  A bit of rust.  No record of previous owners.  Some body work – accident?  We decided that some decisions are best made later. 

I have a feeling our desire is to replace without prioritizing.  So we will sleep on it.  Probably a few times.  And see what comes.

So far, the car is not coming.  At least to our place!

Generational Faith – not what you expect?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I ran across the following article:  Defining Faith – How each generation sees it!

Some thoughts from the article?

Elders (those over 65 or so) see faith as the foundation of life.  Boomers 1946 – 1964 birhtdates)  see faith as providing security.  Busters (younger yet) see faith as helping to discover insights and relationships.

Elders appreciate religious institutions, boomers want content and institutions may or may not help.  Busters find institutions irrelevant since people are more important than the institution itself.

Elders chose Christianity, Boomers reshape Christianity to their own "selfish" religion.  Busters are existentialists finding spirituality in wide ranging discussion.

Check it out!  This is based on research from 2001.  Seems to have a ring of truth.

A presence more than a voice

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

When you are with these people, you bask.  Not that words aren’t present.  The words are behind the veil.  As though you know there is discussion and chatter.  But that doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that they are there.  Their physical presence is next to you.  And you miss it when they are gone.

My dad is  one of those people.  I’ve thought a lot lately about things we have done together.  His tips on electronics when I was working on a model train set.  His help in finding cars and suggestions of repair.  His ability to do math and encourage me in it.  His desire to be with us for our activities whenever he could.

But what sticks out is just sitting with him, or walking with him — being with him.  That is life.

This past few weeks I’ve also experienced that with one of our former parishioners.  John Graham passed away on a Monday.  His funeral was on a Friday.  A week later I was sitting in my office imagining the congregation on Sunday. 

And John wasn’t there.  And I missed him.