I'm Back

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I drove into the driveway around 9:30 pm.  Left the outskirts of Edmonton around 5:00 our time (4:00 their time).

The last two days were taken with a lecture series by Dr. Aubrey Malphurs.  His specialty is in pastoral ministry with a push towards church management and church planting.  All things I’ve heard before, but it never hurts to be reminded.

When I arrived home I was informed that Alice Keller had passed away.  Looks like I’ll be leading a funeral this coming Saturday.  Tomorrow we’re off to Saskatoon for a check up on Jill’s pacemaker battery.  Friday I’ll lead our community Lenten Lunch service.  Nothing like something to keep you busy!!

Say I'm crazy!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Some people did!

As I write this early Saturday morning, I’m looking out the window.  The sun is not yet up.  The street lights are reflecting off fog.  


I’m a prairie boy.  For the last few years I’ve had to revisit my understanding of winter.  As a child fog was unheard of in February.  For the last two years I’ve seen fog in what should have been the coldest months of the year.

Brittle, harsh and uninvited cold I understand.  Piles of snow I expect.  But fog?

Which brings me to my craziness.  I love blizzards!  No visibility, swirling snow and chaos. 

These last two days we were promised a blizzard.  OK, the weather forecasters were predicting snow and blizzard conditions — which in their case is probably 80% of a promise.  Thursday night came with howling winds but no snow.  Friday came with snow but no gust of wind.  And this morning there is fog.

I’m ready!  Bring on the blizzard.  Make my day!

Ever wonder what's shorter?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Time wanders on.

When a day turns short, there are moments left. 

I had booked an appointment for the evening.  The work needing to be done was done — by 8:00.  Two hours remained before I would head to bed.  I completed a task I had planned on doing tomorrow.  That took me til 8:30 or so.  I sat with my wife.  We watched TV.  Now it’s 9:30 and I’m writing.

When you have a task, the time is short.  When time is given to us unexpectedly, the moments go slowly.  What a conundrum.

Which begs the question — how does one rest?  And for how long?  And when?

Can you turn unexpected time into rest time?  Can those long moments of unexpected time refresh and revitalize?

I think so — if you put your mind to it!  (Oops, does that mean I’ve turned rest into another task?)

To Saskatoon

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Wednesday I ventured to Saskatoon.

The reason:  a one day session put on by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. 

The sessions included thoughts on how churches can reach out in a Canadian context — along with some analysis of current trends in Canada.  Good information that can help form solid decisions in the future.

The interesting part?  I was on the road at 7:00 am.  Fog was surrounding my headlights.  When I saw a sign indicating deer could be expected, I increased my watch.  At the same time I did not feel fear.  Which is a good sign.  God was protecting and I was watching!  Closer to Saskatoon some snow had fallen and was deposited on the highway.  Again I was watchful but not concerned.  Thankfully the road home was much clearer!

I sensed God in the drive as much as in the sessions.  I have a sneaking suspicion that is the way it should be!  In the ideas and in the practice, God is there.