Trying to plan ahead!
I thought December 29th was going to be fairly straightforward.
Back in September I had planned to celebrate my father’s birthday by phoning him. Other than that — the day was free!
Then October progressed into November and a wedding arose. So I committed to do that wedding as well — December 29th.
Meanwhile our basement was being used by a boarder who was attempting to get a house in town. That was to take place the beginning of November or shortly thereafter. He and his family will move in December 29th. I will show up to say “Hi” and maybe move a few boxes. I’ve tried to arrange for others to help out. There were three or four who tentatively agreed. One was to be hauling grain so couldn’t give a final word until he knew if the elevator was open for delivery. Two others found out about a funeral and another found out about some furniture that needs to be moved immediately (and not our boarder’s furniture). Only God knows who will show up!
I don’t like uncertainty. With the New Year around the corner I’m reminded that resolutions are our way of gaining certainty. The older I get the less I believe New Year’s resolutions work. Yes, they are a guideline. But I’m beginning to like the old latin phrase DV “Deo Volente” — God Willing. That is where certainty actually needs to rest!