The weekend!

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Well, I’m just finishing off the weekend.  Tomorrow I’ll put some pictures on so you can see real life!

Friday we finished off collection for shoes boxes for Operation Christmas Child — somewhere around 610 boxes came in.  In the evening I did some recording of music — with a drummer and keyboardist.

Saturday we were off to Saskatoon.  There we shopped and headed home — back by 9:30.  Interestingly our best buys were in Rosetown (an hour out of Kindersley, and an hour from Saskatoon).  A little shop called the “bargain store”.

Sunday was a Bible quiz during the Sunday service.  The non-quizzer team (mostly adults) won by a mere 20 points (one question!).  I fear what a rematch next year might bring!!  In the evening Wycliffe Theatre group had a dinner theatre that was well done — definitely professional quality!

And now, at 10:30 pm I’m closing off the weekend with one last home made bun and a soft pillow to collapse on!

Good night!!

Can this be true?

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I heard the snatch of a news report on the radio (CBC at 5:30 pm).

Supposedly you can now say you are sorry for something and not be considered to be held legally responsible (at least in Saskatchewan). 

The impetus is the growing litigious society we live in.  As soon as we admit to some kind of wrong doing, the legal system pops into place.  What could have been very simply solved through mediation goes way out of wack.

I’m interested to see all  the background on this!  Certainly sounds like we have begun to lose our language to our legal system!

If you can find out more, let me know.


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The night comes quickly.  Stealing back the rays of darkness, the slivers of light retreat. 

In one corner is a quiet resting place.  Set next to the granite of the landscape, the headstone glistens with newfound paleness.

Where does life enter and death retreat?  When a stone is rolled back and emerging life envelopes those closest.  Two women held in suspension.  Disbelief captured by dawning realization. 

This is the new day!


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

As the day comes to an end, I’ve experienced the feeling of tiredness.

Last night was three hours of known sleep, and probably more that I’m not quite sure about.  There are draining situations that regularly arise in people related vocations.  Often this is a sign that people trust you and are willing to let you get in on their own “messiness”.

While I try to remain detached enough that I’m not totally drained, I often come to a point where personal involvement means taking on some of the hurt. 

Balance is what it’s about. 

I’m trying to haul back the tetter-totter!