The weekend!
Well, I’m just finishing off the weekend. Tomorrow I’ll put some pictures on so you can see real life!
Friday we finished off collection for shoes boxes for Operation Christmas Child — somewhere around 610 boxes came in. In the evening I did some recording of music — with a drummer and keyboardist.
Saturday we were off to Saskatoon. There we shopped and headed home — back by 9:30. Interestingly our best buys were in Rosetown (an hour out of Kindersley, and an hour from Saskatoon). A little shop called the “bargain store”.
Sunday was a Bible quiz during the Sunday service. The non-quizzer team (mostly adults) won by a mere 20 points (one question!). I fear what a rematch next year might bring!! In the evening Wycliffe Theatre group had a dinner theatre that was well done — definitely professional quality!
And now, at 10:30 pm I’m closing off the weekend with one last home made bun and a soft pillow to collapse on!
Good night!!