Life and Death
When I first decided on Christian ministry my sights were set on teaching. I naively expected that imparting information was enough.
I still think speaking truth is important, and is a bondage breaker! But the matter of relationship and just “loving on” people enlivens that truth. You live truths – in everyday situations.
Today a group of regional pastors met. We discussed theology, pastoral issues and personal concerns. Life and Truth embraced! We walked away encouraged and ready for God’s next day, and the day after, and the day after, and . . .
This morning I awoke to a sense of need. Call Gladys Coleman. I had heard late in the previous evening that her husband was not doing well. On Monday, Jill and I had a hospital visit with him – he had some phlegm and was wheezing a bit. In a normal situation antibiotics and drugs would have cleared this up fairly quickly.
Ray Coleman had MS for a number of years, his body had restrictions in movement and his system could not effectively cope. He passed away in the night.
Gladys and her family are grieving. At the same time she rightly explains, “I can see Ray walking right now!” To be with Jesus is far better!!
Life and Death intertwine when we least expect it!