Sing it one more time!!

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The richest man in Australia died on Boxing Day.  His name was Kerry Packer.  A memorial service was held in mid-February.  A number of dignitaries and celebrities showed up.

There is a short video of the singing of the cricket anthem – Come on Aussie, Come on, done at this memorial service.

I thought church services and choruses could go on and on.  Experience the change of key, the acappella section, the full orchestra in this rousing rendition of worship to one of the world’s richest men (formerly one of the richest – we all die sometime!).  See Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe “live”.   Sing the chorus at least 13 times with an encore!!

Check here for a short article on Kerry Packer.

200 kilometers and a way to go!

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Saturday we headed into Saskatoon to pick up our son.

Tim had travelled to Vegas to take in the Cirque de Soliel.  He would like to work for them in the future.  His resume has the stipulated requirements, now he’s just waiting to see whether they will accept his application. 

The Cirque shows were stunning.  The production superb.  Even Tim, a theatre techie, was wowed!!

We brought him back to Kindersley yesterday.

So, I’ve been thinking, can Kindersley measure up to a Vegas?  Obviously we’re not as large.  Nor do we have extensive tourist attractions. But, Saturday we experienced one of our claims to fame!

The Amati String quartet out of the University of Saskatchewan! 

OK, the connections is a little indirect!  The Amati string instruments (created in the 1600’s) were acquired by a farmer, Stephen Kolbinson, who lived just outside of Kindersley.  My father went to school with his son.

Saturday night the Amatis were on view.  The instruments are priceless.    And here they were, In Kindersley!

The two violins, a viola and a cello resonated with equisite tones.  Many from our community had come to fill our local arts centre.  A number of the Kolbinson family relatives were there to hear Hayden, Beethoven and Tschaikovsky.

The concert was satisfying (we bought tickets as Valentine’s Day presents).  The instruments were aged to perfection, their tone mellow and soothing.  This was a slice of history played before our eyes!

Not to boast — Vegas has nothing on Kindersley!!

Not to boast, but . . .

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On Wednesday night I almost won!!

Well, not really me!  I had helped a seven year old put together a model racing car.  We started with a block of wood.  Then we shaped, sanded, painted, detailed, glued, set the wheels, weighted the car and generally raced it along the floor to be sure it worked.

Then the big night came. 

Dagen and I were hoping for a good finish — at least 7th or so.  In the initial run the car placed first.  And for the next three runs the same finish.  Soon the other kids were cheering him on with “Dagen, Dagen, Dagen.”  The fifth run the car bounced and placed last.  The other three runs we hit first place again.

When the scores were tallied we placed second! 


OK, so its not really we!  Dagen got second, and I got honorable mention – next year the other fathers will be out to beat me!!

Yesterday two pastors popped in for lunch!

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With a little detour on their way to Edmonton, two Free Methodist pastors dropped in to see us Wednesday.  One of them, Daniel, is a good friend of mine from Prince Albert.  The other, Bob, has a father whom I knew from year’s past.  Both were on their way to their SPN (a great name for a pastor’s small group!!)

We took a tour of our house and basked in the sunlight as we talked over lunch.

As we sat around the table (Jill, my wife and the best cook in the world, made a great pea soup and we had ham buns to top it off) we discussed our families and friends.  Daniel’s son is almost 1 year old – I was at Wesley’s baptism this past year.  His wife is working at home – they are trying to balance having more job offers than what she can accomodate!

We tossed around our personal approaches to sermon preparation time.  We all agree its a week long task that sees the hours of preparation downsized to a few minutes on Sunday.  We agonized over the place of relationships in pastoring a church.  We all agreed that that’s what its all about – the church of Jesus Christ is people!!  All three of us are basically introverts who are learning to be relational – some of us have progressed further along, so we were all encouraging one another. 

As we were departing, the topic arose — John Wesley and sanctification.  For those of us who stick to words we can handle, that’s really just about being more like Jesus every day, until the core of our being reflects who Jesus is. 

Unfortunately that tangent will have to wait for another day.  But, it’s a good excuse to get back together!!