Sunday at home

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, just finished watching the Grey Cup.  Not bad for a game with a little excitement.  Started cheering for Edmonton — thought for a while I was going to be sadly overwhelmed by the cheering throngs next to me (OK, so there were three of us families and actually my wife was the loudest, next to Tracy!).

I visited the hospital in the afternoon.  

For most of us, we need to remember that the Grey Cup is just entertainment.   I enjoy the fun of a good social time around a good game of football.  But a cancer patient who is experiencing pain and is in palliative care?  She has a joyful attitude — making your day as precious to her as her own.  And you bring a prayer and listen.  Now, that’s a good time had by all!

Singing in harmony

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Last night I was together with three other people – a soprano, tenor, alto and myself.

Now, I love to sing bass.  But I also love tenor and doing lead. 

So here we are, practicing to do an acappella rendition of “O Holy Night” for our local carol festival.  The first verse is alright – I sing the normal bass line.  Then on the second verse I’m to do a solo for a few lines.  Then back to bass??  Not a chance – I’m floating all over and everyone is looking for another note as I snatch theirs

Something tells me that being spontaneous doesn’t always work!  And a few voices next to me confirmed that truth!!

Come hear us Sunday night, December 4th at the United Church in Kindersley – 7:00 pm.

Local Pastors Round Table

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Thursday.  7:00 in the morning start and 4 pastors around the table.

No, its not King Arthur’s roundtable.  Rather, a group of us who want to share with each other and with God.

So we discussed some scripture and the joys and sorrows of our lives.  Three of us have grown children.  One has just moved to a new location.  One is bivocational.  All of us are intent on seeing our community impacted for Jesus.

And so, as we enter Advent this coming week, I’m thinking about waiting — and I’m waiting for what God will do!

The slow days – "sabbathing it"

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve spent the last two days in recovery!

Not that life hasn’t been good.  Far from it!  With baptisms and recordings and teaching and preaching and celebrating anniversaries and putting up Christmas tree lights who could complain.

But I’ve learned in the cycle of things when calendar spaces become full for more than a week, you need to take a breather.  For me, I begin to lose focus on life and revert to habits that are bred from laziness.  My arthritic knees begin to ache and I struggle to put coherent sentences together.  My whole person is telling me that you’d better slow down.  [I’ve also got a wife who knows when I’m losing it!!]

So, I’m learning that when there are signs (I’d like to think they were from heaven — but let’s be practical here — they’re just part of living here on earth!!), I need to take time to slow down for a bit.

So Monday and Tuesday I was back working, but I took some time to relax.  That meant morning and evening activities – but afternoons at home.

How do you know when it’s time to “sabbath”?